Mad Mullet

The use of soft plastics in salt water fishing has exploded over the last few years. A wide variety of plastics in differing shapes, sizes and colours is now available in most tackle shops. You then have the option to have a scented plastic, a glowing plastic, a vibrating plastic, something from a tiny sand lice plastic to a behemoth squid like creature – think of it and you pretty much will find it somewhere. But all that means nothing if you don’t have the right jighead to match your plastic.

Shaun Murphy Mad Mullet

Shaun Murphy, from Mad Mullet, with a Cunene kob.

The importance of the jighead is often overlooked. But what makes up a good jighead? Weight is probably the most critical factor. Coupled with that is the need for a thin, sharp, super-strong hook. Luckily for us, Mad Mullet has taken this all into consideration and has created a jighead for every application.

Mad Mullet logo

Frustrated by the lack of jigheads and the costs associated with imported jigheads, Shaun Murphy decided to take matters into his own hand and started to produce jigheads for his own use. It didn’t take long till friends came knocking on his door and over time he realised that the product had the potential to expand. Clyde Hare came in with his technical expertise and together they created a product ranging from 1/4oz up to a 10oz in a variety of styles such as bulletheads, arrowheads, shad heads as well as their own weedless design. Together they created a product range ‘made by fishermen for fishermen‘.

What makes Mad Mullet standout is the increase in 1/4oz increments from 1/4oz to 2oz. There is a big difference between a 1 and 2oz jighead – the 7 different weight options below 2oz, provided by Mad Mullet, allows you to fish as light as possible at all times while maintaining a feel for the bottom. By fishing lighter you get the most movement out of your plastic however sometimes when in strong winds or current you need to up your jighead weight accordingly. Rule of thumb when fishing for kob in an estuary or along a sandy beach – If you are feeling the bottom throughout your retrieve – your jighead is too heavy, if you are not feeling the bottom – its too light.

A common flaw in most jigheads are their hooks. Too thin and they straighten under pressure, too thick and you can’t set the hook. Mad Mullet makes use of only Mustad hooks – providing a super sharp, trustworthy hook allowing you to have the best opportunity you can have at successfully hooking and landing fish.

Every jighead which leaves the Mad Mullet workshop is personally inspected by Clyde – quality control is therefore nothing other than a top priority when it comes to this team.

All in all, Mad Mullet is a world class product… produced in our country to target our fish!

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2 thoughts on “Mad Mullet

  1. Sounds good. What softies work well and how can the average angler take advantage of Mad Mullet Jigheads. The Product seems effective, but what fish will react in what way to different techniques and under what conditions ? How and Why ?
    Ons soek ń stywe (lyn)

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